Auditory brain stimulation for home use
Inducing a brain state to help focus, concentration, sleep or mood in children and adults

Based on your training goals and your individual brain patterns (found during analysis of your QEEG assessment), you can order an Auditory Brain Stimulation file that you can use at home, listening to it on your mobile, tablet or desktop.
What is Auditory Brain Stimulation?
Auditory brain stimulation is a non-invasive brain entrainment that is conducted by presenting different frequencies of sound to each ear.
It is based on findings from auditory system research and binaural beats techniques, showing that in such a case, the brain produces a third “phantom” sound which is a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones presented to the ears.
As such, this technology can be used to create frequencies that match brain waves underlying brain functions such as executive performance (cognitive functions).
Listening to such manipulated frequency effects neural networks and functions, and as a result can help improve cognitive performance (Beauchene, C. 2016).
Few scientific examples for the use of auditory brain stimulation for cognitive performance

stimulating the beta (13-30hz) and gamma (above 30hz) frequencies resulted in increased coherence between frontal and parietal areas during working memory maintenance

A significantly better performance in memory span tasks was shown under the use of binaural beats stimulation, compared with the control group.

Some studies suggest that BBT has an impact on the structure of cortical connectivity networks, which in turn effects the network topology of improved memory functions using alpha band (8-12hz) beats
Oster, G. (1973). Auditory beats in the brain. Scientific American, 229(4), 94-103.
Borisyuk, A., Semple, M. N., & Rinzel, J. (2002). Adaptation and inhibition underlie responses to time-varying interaural phase cues in a model of inferior colliculus neurons. Journal of neurophysiology, 88(4), 2134-2146.
Fitzpatrick, D. C., Roberts, J. M., Kuwada, S., Kim, D. O., & Filipovic, B. (2009). Processing temporal modulations in binaural and monaural auditory stimuli by neurons in the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 10(4), 579.
Cotillon, N., Nafati, M., & Edeline, J. M. (2000). Characteristics of reliable tone-evoked oscillations in the rat thalamo-cortical auditory system. Hearing research, 142(1-2), 113-130.
Scott, B. H., Malone, B. J., & Semple, M. N. (2009). Representation of dynamic interaural phase difference in auditory cortex of awake rhesus macaques. Journal of neurophysiology, 101(4), 1781-1799.
Beauchene, C., Abaid, N., Moran, R., Diana, R. A., & Leonessa, A. (2016). The effect of binaural beats on visuospatial working memory and cortical connectivity. PloS one, 11(11).
Lutzenberger, W., Ripper, B., Busse, L., Birbaumer, N., & Kaiser, J. (2002). Dynamics of gamma-band activity during an audiospatial working memory task in humans. Journal of neuroscience, 22(13), 5630-5638.
Babiloni, C., Babiloni, F., Carducci, F., Cincotti, F., Vecchio, F., Cola, B., ... & Rossini, P. M. (2004). Functional frontoparietal connectivity during short-term memory as revealed by high-resolution EEG coherence analysis. Behavioral neuroscience, 118(4), 687.
Ioannou, C. I., Pereda, E., Lindsen, J. P., & Bhattacharya, J. (2015). Electrical brain responses to an auditory illusion and the impact of musical expertise. PLoS One, 10(6).
Kennerly, R. C. (1994). An Empirical Investigation Into the Effect of Beta Frequency Binaural-beat Audio Signals on Four Measures of Human Memory, ADD/ADHD. West Georgia College, Carrolton, GA.